Where are the video bloggers raising questions about Samsung's decline?
Fanny Schlatter, 18, with bandaged thigh and burned-out Galaxy S3
FORTUNE -- Did you miss the report Monday about the Samsung Galaxy S3 that caught fire in the pants pocket of a Swiss teenager, sending out shoulder-high flames and inflicting second- and third-degree burns on her right thigh?
I'm not surprised. These things can happen in any device powered by lithium-ion batteries, and the news of such incidents tends to fly under the radar.
Unless, of course, the device that catches fire is made by Apple (AAPL). Then -- whether it's an iPod in Japan, a MacBook in California or an iPhone in Finland -- the Internet lights up like a Christmas tree and doomsday pundits start weighing in.
Take, for example, this Your Gadget Guide video from last March titled "Apple iPhone 5 Catches Fire - Apple Going Downhill?



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