It is a well known fact that a majority of Indians prefer home remedies to OTC drugs. The use of ginger is numero uno when it comes to curing common cold and cough.
But there are other reasons why ginger is a remedial herb. Dr. Jaishree Bhattacharjee, Ayurvedic consultant with shares some top tips and methods to use ginger for various ailments. Read on to discover how you can use ginger for better health.
Why is ginger important?
Dr. Jaishree Bhattacharjee explains the importance of ginger, "Ginger is very popularly used in Ayurveda for its benefits in digestion and respiratory disorders. It is a wonderful carminative, ant flatulent, stimulant and expectorant." She adds, "Ginger has many useful minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper, zinc and few others."
Ginger as an appetizer?
Our specialist also makes a unique point about the benefits ginger, "When used before meals, ginger improves appetite by igniting jatharagni (digestive fire) due to its hot potency. It also enhances digestion due to its pungent taste and alleviates ama (toxins of indigestion) from the body."
Besides cold, ginger is useful for...
"Fresh juice of ginger is used to cure symptoms of cough and cold. It helps stop watery discharge from nose and help cure headache and fever associated with common cold if taken in tea or as decoction with basil and honey," Dr. Jaishree continues to list hidden benefits of ginger.
How is ginger beneficial for travellers?
"Ginger regulates digestive enzymes and improves assimilation and transportation of nutrients to body tissues. When kept in mouth before travelling it helps combat motion sickness."
Did you know, ginger is good for joint pain?
The doctor let's you in on a secret, "Dried ginger or sounth has analgesic and anti inflammatory properties which is used therapeutically to alleviate joint pain and inflammation in arthritis. Other than these situations, ginger is an excellent spice that can be used daily."
Different ways of using ginger for home remedies
We have mentioned the health benefits of ginger, now check out different ways to use it.
"One can eat thin slices of ginger in a salt and limejuice mixture before and after meals to improve appetite and digestion."
This can be the perfect remedy for fussy children. And adults too: Ginger could be a replacement for wine as an appetizer.
"It can be used in cooking as a fresh spice to enhance the taste."
Cooking enthusiasts will agree with this point; ginger is used extensively in Indian curries.
"Therapeutically ginger juice is mixed with basil leaves juice and honey to cure cough and cold."
Tulsi, ginger and honey - are three most beneficial ingredients and fighters for the common cold.
"Used as dried powder as analgesic and anti inflammatory agent for joint pains."
If you can't locate an ayurvedic store, you dry the ginger yourself and grind it.
"Ginger juice application is said to be good for hypo pigmented patches on your skin."
Bet you didn't know this skin care property of ginger.
"It can be used in scrubs and baths for fresh rejuvenating aroma."
Not sure if ginger would give you a refreshing fragrance.
A point to note: we have mentioned how ginger can be used for several ailments, but it would be wise to consult a doctor before for an intensive treatment. Ginger along with exercises, medication and healthy diet can reduce joint pain. These home remedies can complement your medical treatment but it should not be the only treatment.
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