Moreover, democratic local governance creates, both institutionally and structurally, a supportive environment, mechanism and process for resolving conflicts at the local level. It is established that local dispute resolution has been an inherent and inalienable function of local governance institutions. It is exercised independently without being overtly dictated, influenced and determined by the changes in the realm of legal and constitutional framework.

The justice delivered by the court is beyond the reach of the ordinary people. Hence, it is inaccessible to the poor and indigent. And it is expensive and cumbersome. The huge backlog of cases shows that the formal judicial institutions are inefficient, strained and weighed down by the mounting arrears of cases. This has lent credence to an alternative dispute resolution mechanism as such a mechanism is less formal, easier and affordable to the ordinary populace. As a result, the alternative dispute resolution movement has become increasingly popular across the world.



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